Finding the 25th Hour in the Day

  • Finding the 25th Hour in the Day

    Finding the 25th Hour in the Day

    I need more time in my day. I don’t have time for that

    Do these lines sound familiar? We are so overwhelmed by all we have to do. There is a pull to be everything to everyone and mostly, we end up feeling like we are falling short on all fronts. 

    But then there are people who seem to get everything done in the same 24 hours we all have. How do they do it? Did they find a 25th hour?

    Running a business and a large family, I’ve learned there is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting it all done in those 24 hours, but there are things you can do to feel like you have found that extra hour.

    1. Get up early.

    In my experience, getting up before everyone in my household (and my clients and team!) really sets my frame of mind for the day. I have quiet time to choose how I want to spend it (aka ME TIME!). I can drink a cup of coffee, answer emails (that usually no one answers right away), exercise, or see if there are any stars still out in the morning. 

    It’s also a time for deep concentration. If you have something difficult to do, successful people tend to use these hours to get it done.

    1. Plan your day.

    A basic outline is fine, because we all know “man or woman plans and God laughs.” I try to outline what I can accomplish in the day. This way when things go sideways, it makes it easier to get back on track. We also utilize Asana as a task management tool, which allows me to easily create the outline for the day.

    1. Carve out some social time. 

    You can satisfy your social needs and those of your team by making time to ‘just talk.’ You fulfill two needs: one to connect with others, and two, to build those valuable relationships. If your team feels connected to you and your culture, they will be able to do their best work. 

    We have team meetings on Mondays as a group and discuss weekend plans and what’s currently going on with clients. We also meet individually so we can reinforce the feeling of connection.

    1. Focus on one task at a time.

    I was the queen of multitasking, but what I realized is that I wasn’t doing any one job really well. Giving all your attention to your task at hand will help you complete it quickly and efficiently. 

    But you’ll have to train your brain to do this. In this age of technology, we have too many notifications. Turn them off—they’re the best at distracting us from the task at hand.

    1. Email overload.

    You know it and you hate it. I get about 100 emails a day, and the only way to get through them is to check them on a schedule. I usually check emails after morning meetings and later in the day. I limit the time I spend in emails to 30-45 mins each time. Otherwise, I get lost in having emails direct my day, and at the end of the day, I feel unproductive.

    1. Clear your mind at the end of the day. 

    Declutter is the new cleanse. Take all those ideas and tasks rolling around in your head and write them down. Leave them on your desk or on your computer where they are available to you when you start work in the morning. This allows you to work them into the plan for the day and spend less time stressing about them. I’ve found this to be incredibly valuable as it relieves me of worry, which in itself steals time away from the day.

    This is a work in progress. Try to implement one item at a time. Focus on creating a daily routine with these tips and you may find that extra hour in your day.

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